Hello everyone!! Oh my, I am just too excited right now as I write my FIRST post!! My name is Samantha Kearns, and I am a first grade teacher. <3 I absolutely LOVE what I do. Honestly, I do not know what I would be doing if I wasn't teaching. In fact, that is partly why I call myself a teachernerd (the # is there because I wrote #teachernerd a few times on my facebook statuses and it just kinda stuck). To me, a teachernerd is completely obsessed with all things teacher/school. I love to teach my littles, buy loads of school supplies and books, create interactive lessons/activities/centers/etc., buy loads of TpT lessons/activities/centers, read teacher blogs, pin teacher/school things, laminate, etc. I think you've got the picture. My fiance and friends also concluded that I am a teachernerd because if we won the Powerball with the ticket we all went in on together, I would be the only one who would continue working. :-D I'm proud to say that they were correct with that statement; I would just have WAY more money to spend on my classroom and littles. ;) Unfortunately, we did not win the Powerball, so all of the items on my wishlist will have to remain wishes...for now.
Before I go any further, I need to thank a few people. First of all, thank you to the amazing Mrs. Cara Carroll over at http://thefirstgradeparade.blogspot.com/. Yours was the very first blog I began reading/following my first year in first grade. You have been such an inspiration, truly, thank you. Then, Pinterest led me to a bunch of other awesome blogs, so in a way, thank you Pinterest! Also, thank you to all of the lovely ladies who write these blogs. Your advice, knowledge, and sharing have helped me grow as a teacher over the past two years. Lastly, a special thank you to the 3am Teacher, Ms. Michelle. http://the3amteacher.blogspot.com/ Your most recent post about blogging came at just the right time for me, and your assistance with creating a hypertext link was so wonderful. Thank you (I'm saying this a lot. I need a synonym, gracias perhaps? I speak un poco Spanglish in my classroom so why not on here, right?!).
Okay, so this begins my blogging journey. Buckle up for a crazy year! I will be teaching first grade (with a brand spankin' new reading and language arts curriculum), going to grad school in the evenings to finish up my Masters to be a Reading Specialist, and oh yeah, planning my (our) wedding!! Cray cray I say! (I like to rhyme, too.) So, tomorrow it is back to school I go to continue organizing/setting up my new room (we switched rooms this year to make space for a new 7th grade class). T-minus 8 days til my littles arrive (I'm counting the weekend too because you know I will fill up those days with planning and such.) I'm also noticing that I like parentheses as well...
Alrighty, well good night (I'm not going to sleep until the end of this Buccos game, tho. Let's go Bucs!) and good luck setting up your classrooms!!
Samantha :)
I just read your post on 3am Teacher! I just did my first post too!! Check it out!